Ted Talk

T E D T A L K~
Throughout this ted talk David Griffin acknowledges that a single image can capture a story and can testify life. This being said, he comprehends how photographers can photograph an image in which whom can capture a new perspective upon life or any situation. He really touches upon the concept of the reality for animals. These photographs are controversial and cause people to take a new perspective upon situations.  This being acknowledged, he also raises awareness for the hard reality for animals as well as people around the world.

Although David Griffin's "speech" was absolutely brilliant and definitely convinced the audience around concepts of how photographers use photographs to tell a story, I retained many critiques throughout the ted talk. One of them being on how he discusses what a great journalist is. This being said, he discussed how to be a great journalist and stated that you have to have more than two great images to be an outstanding journalist. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but David Griffin defiantly tried to convince the audience watching his speech what a great journalist should be.

After completing my thoughts upon this ted talk I would recommend David's Griffin's speech to audiences throughout the world. The images he demonstrated that were taken around the world really impacted me and left me absolutely devastated seeing the situations that some animals and humans have to live through. I believe that this video raises awareness of this problem that so many take serious and/ or lightly. In conclusion, I would definitely recommend this video to audiences.


  1. Thank you - interesting about how you felt with his conversation and discussion on journalists...


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